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Was online more than two weeks ago


Male, 45 years, born on 7 March 1980

Not looking for a job

Astana, willing to relocate (Australia, Aksay (Kazakhstan), Aktobe, Almaty, Atyrau, Baku, Great Britain, Germany, Egypt, Iraq, Italy, Canada, Karaganda, Qatar, Kokshetau, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Kostanay, Kyzylorda, New Zealand, Norway, UAE, Oman, Pavlodar, USA, Singapore, Turkey, France, Switzerland, Sweden, Scotland, South Korea, Japan), prepared for business trips


3 500 $ in hand

  • Other

Employment: full time, part time, project work

Work schedule: full day, flexible schedule, remote working, rotation based work

Work experience 23 years 7 months

June 2018currently
6 years 10 months

Aksay (Kazakhstan), www.slb.com/

Oil and Gas... Show more

General wireline field engineer/ Slickline Supervisor
All kind of Slickline activities, set/retrieve SSV, set/retrieve BPV, hangers with Memory gauges, take a sample. Memory PLT. DIGITAL Slickline
June 2016June 2018
2 years 1 month

Uralsk, www.sgs.ru

Business Services... Show more

Operations manager
Managing and planning the field day to day operations and technical support, customer relation, tracking the personnel trainings, assets tracking. Fully versed in quality control of services and policies implementation to maintain the organization image, HSE standards and reputation. Mentoring and coaching, creating new procedures and seeking new and more effective ways to provide best in class service. Managing inventory, shipments incoming and outgoing. Production Logging and Slickline operations.
February 2016June 2016
5 months

Uralsk, www.sgs.ru

Business Services... Show more

Field service coordinator / Production Logging Engineer
Managing and planning the field day to day operations and technical support, customer relation, tracking the personnel trainings, assets tracking. Fully versed in quality control of services and policies implementation to maintain the organization image, HSE standards and reputation. Mentoring and coaching, creating new procedures and seeking new and more effective ways to provide best in class service. Managing inventory, shipments incoming and outgoing. Production Logging and Slickline operations.
June 2014June 2016
2 years 1 month
Kazakhstan Pipe Plant

Astana, www.ktz.kz

Utilities... Show more

Project Manager
New technology development. Responsible for oil projects, international projects and pipeline constructions. Project manager for oil plastic pipes installation in Ozenmunaigaz.
November 2013June 2014
8 months
Halliburton International Inc.

Canada, www.halliburton.com

Oil and Gas... Show more

General Field Proffessional
Open hole, Cased hole wireline logging services at remote locations. Responsibilities include: coordinating and managing jobs, inventory control, tracking of incoming orders.
June 2011November 2013
2 years 6 months

Kazakhstan, www.weatherford.ru

Oil and Gas... Show more

Crew Supervisor
Experienced in open hole and cased hole wireline logging services in addition to supervisory responsibilities at remote locations and bases. Responsibilities include: coordinating and managing crews and jobs, inventory control, tracking of incoming orders, training and mentoring engineers, performing the competency assessments and customer relations. I am in charge of the Country spooling base operations.
October 2006June 2011
4 years 9 months

Kazakhstan, www.weatherford.ru

Oil and Gas... Show more

Senior Field Engineer
Experienced in open hole and cased hole wireline logging services in addition to supervisory responsibilities’ at remote locations and bases. Responsibilities include: log quality and interpretation, tracking of incoming orders, coordinating and managing jobs and crews, inventory control, training junior engineers and customer relations. Trained Junior Engineers in Fort Worth Global Training center. Responsible for practical section of the training course, such as calibrations of tools, logging the well, Log quality standard and interpretation while logging, Standard Operating Procedures. Performed General Field Engineer project: "Country Cable Spooling Base".
April 2010July 2010
4 months

USA, www.weatherford.ru

Educational Institutions... Show more

Wireline Open Hole Instructor
I was trained Junior Engineers in Fort Worth Global Training center. Responsible for practical section of the training course, such as calibrations of tools, logging the well, Log quality standard and interpretation while logging, Standard Operating Procedures
September 2001October 2006
5 years 2 months

Kazakhstan, www.bakerhughes.com

Business Services... Show more

Senior Electromechanical (Hydraulic) Technician
In charged the Hydraulic Maintenance Lab, specifically the Rotary Sidewall Coring Tool and Reservoir Characterization Instrument. Responsibility included a participation in the presentation of provided services to our clients.Maintained the open hole, cased hole and production logging tools. Responsibilities included the servicing of Pipe Conveyed Logging kits.Overseen and insured that quality controls and proper maintenance measures and procedural schedules were established for the open hole and cased hole tools for remote field lab stations.


Skill proficiency levels
Умение работать в команде
Business English
Driving Licence B
Пользователь ПК
Windows Xp
Presentation skills
Customer Service
Written Translation
Windows Os
Business Development
Time management
Project management
Деловая переписка
Навыки составления отчетности
Электронная почта
Организаторские навыки
Грамотная речь
Деловое общение
Английский язык
MS PowerPoint
Работа в команде
MS Outlook
Управление проектами
Деловая коммуникация
Проведение презентаций
Обучение персонала

About me

• Organization and planning of projects. • Computer skills, producing presentations, ability to conduct a trainings, ability to learn, oral presentation skills/ • English-good(spoken and technical in oral and written forms),Russian, Kazakh • Motivation, decision making, tolerance and flexibility in different situations. • Ability to adapt, team working, to work under pressure. • Responsibility, reliability, tact. • Sales skills. Computer Skills • Windows XP, Vista and Mac, Word, Excel, Browsers, FTP, Sharepoint. Other Skills • Valid Kazakhstan (International) Driving License, B class

Higher education

Kazakhstan National Technical University, Almaty
Petroleum Engineer: Development and Exploration of Oil and Gas field
Karaganda Technical State University, Karaganda
Electrical Engineer: The electric drive and automation of technological complexes, Red, cum laude



EnglishC2 — Proficiency

RussianC2 — Proficiency

Professional development, courses

Kazakhstan National Technical University
Me, Reservoir Engineer

Tests, examinations

District Manager Course
Weatherford, Manager

Citizenship, travel time to work

Citizenship: Kazakhstan

Permission to work: Kazakhstan, Russia

Desired travel time to work: Doesn't matter