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ЗарегистрироватьсяWas online more than two weeks ago
Male, 40 years, born on 2 July 1984
Astana, willing to relocate (Almaty, Karaganda, Kokshetau, Kostanay), prepared for business trips
Head of the Department, Regional representative, manager, supervisor, executive director
8 000 $ in hand
- Sales manager, account manager
Employment: full time
Work schedule: full day
Work experience 18 years 4 months
May 2015 — currently
9 years 11 months
Heavy Engineering... Show more
Заместитель генерального директора
Заместитель генерального директора завода по производству бронированной колесной техники (класса MRAP) - ТОО «Kazakhstan Paramount Engineering». Курируемые направления:
1) Продажи;
2) Материально-техническое обеспечение и закупки;
3) Административно-хозяйственная деятельность;
4) Юридический департамент;
5) Human Resources;
6) Маркетинг;
7) IT;
8) Безопасность;
9) Связи с общественностью;
10) Государственный оборонный заказ;
11) Government relations.
November 2012 — May 2015
2 years 7 months
"Kazakhstan Engineering Distribution"
Head of the Marketing Department
• monitoring and analysing market trends;
• studying competitors' products and services;
• exploring ways of improving existing products and services, and increasing profitability of the company;
• identifying target markets and developing strategies to communicate with them;
• preparing and managing marketing plans and budgets;
• managing the production of promotional material (PR);
• liaising with other internal departments such as financial, engineering and legal;
• producing reports to monitor results;
• presenting findings and suggestions to company directors;
• travelling to trade shows, conferences and sales meetings
• supporting and managing a marketing team.
February 2011 — November 2012
1 year 10 months
Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Astana, pa-academy.kz
Head of the International Cooperation and Public Relations Department
• General management of the Department.
• Attraction of financial, technical, organizational and intellectual support of international donor organizations and foreign partners through implementation of bilateral and multilateral programs and projects.
• Coordination and support of international activities, events and projects taking place in the Academy, as well as support of participation of Academy’s representatives to such ones.
• Facilitating the increase of public awareness about the Academy and establishing positive relations with public and mass media (newspapers, magazines, television, radio, on-line editions etc).
• Planning, organization, implementation and monitoring of the quality assurance process, training of civil servants by foreign professors in the frames of the Budget program 003.
• Developing a marketing strategy of the Academy.
• Work with the EU Delegation in the RoK and its technical assistance projects.
• Promoting a balanced development of the educational services of the Academy, to prepare proposals for the selection and change of directions of the Academy, to study and improve the services provided by the Academy to meet the demand of the applicants.
• Study the markets of other educational services and trends.
• Assistance in attracting of sponsors (implementation of fundraising).
• Establishment of communication with business partners (media, printing companies, exhibition organizers, etc.) in order to improve advertising.
July 2008 — January 2011
2 years 7 months
European Union funded Project “Support for the Development of the Policy Dialogue Advice Programme (PDAP) in the Republic of Kazakhstan
Astana, www.supportpdap.kz
Expert on monitoring / Case Manager of the Agency on Civil Service Affairs of the RK, Ministry of Agriculture of the RK and Agency on Statistics of the RK within the limits of the EU "PDAP" Project
• Support for the development of the system of monitoring and evaluation in introduction of strategies and program documents in the state bodies of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Organisation and implementation of the events connected with realisation of the given task.
• Organization of visits of international experts of the European union and coordination of their interaction with the following state bodies and agencies of the Republic of Kazakhstan: Presidential Administration, Mazhilis of the Parliament, Ministry of Economic Development and Trade, Ministry of Oil and Gas, Ministry of Transport and Communications, Ministry of Agriculture, Agency on Statistics, NEC "Atameken Union", National Analytical Center under the Prime minister's Office and National Bank of the RK, Centre for Trade Policy. Development under the Ministry of Industry and New Technologies of the RK etc.
• Work with the Agency of the RoK for Civil Service Affairs, and its subordinate structures: Academy of Public Administration under the President of the RK and the JSC "NCUPGS" on civil service reform in the RoK (participation in elaboration of the new Ethics Code of the Civil Servant, recommendations on stimulation and appraisal of personnel in civil service, corruption counteraction).
January 2008 — July 2008
7 months
JSC “National Company “Social-Entrepreneurial Corporation “Tobol”
Kostanay, www.spk-tobol.kz
Main specialist - acting Head of the Finances Attracting Department
• Participation to the International Investment Forum “Corporative finances-2008” in Almaty city (Kazakhstan), 20th -21st of May, 2008;
• Participation in the delegation of Kazakhstan to the 4th World Islam Economic Forum (WIEF) in Al Kuwait (Kuwait), 28th April – 2 May, 2008;
• Arrangement and holding of the visits of representatives of «Dubai World Company» (the UAE) in Kazakhstan (Astana, Kostanay) concerning the construction of the Torgay TPS, chargeable for realization of contacts with this company;
• Preparation of proposals to the Prime-Minister of the RK on the issue of stock market development (these proposals are being implemented in the present);
• Working out an alternative implementation method of investment projects in the field of subsurface use for the Prime Minister of the RK;
• Allocation (for the first time among national companies) of the temporarily surplus funds of “Tobol” SEC at the amount of 97 million tenge in the bonds of “Astana Finance” JSC;
• Allocation of the temporarily surplus funds of “Tobol” SEC in the amount of 1 billion tenge;
• Elaboration of strategic Plan of Development of “Tobol” SEC for 2008- 2011;
• Permanent monitoring of situation in the banking sphere and stock market;
• Preparation of analytic notes about methods of financing and implementation of investment projects;
• Preparation of proposals and Activity Plans on methods of participation of SEC “Tobol” in state strategic and branch programs;
• Coordination and realization of measures connected with auditing of financial and economic activity of the SEC “Tobol” for 2007;
• Arrangement of the road-show of the SEC “Tobol” in Berlin (Germany) in May 2008 and to the South-East Asia and Arabic States (October, 2008);
December 2006 — January 2008
1 year 2 months
European Union funded Project “Support for the Implementation of the Partnership and Co-operation Agreement between the EU and the Republic of Kazakhstan”
Astana, www.supportpca.kz
Administrative manager/ Expert on Monitoring
Organized and conducted following workshops:
• Project Cycle Management, addressed to the members of the Inter-Ministerial Working Group (representatives of 25 ministries and agencies);
• PCA Monitoring seminar, addressed to the students and teachers of the Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
• Genetically Modified Organisms, addressed to the Ministries of Health Protection, Agriculture, Environmental Protection and Industry and Trade of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
• Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights, addressed to the Ministry of Justice and to the Committee on Protection of Intellectual Property under the same ministry;
• Presentation of PCA Guide, addressed to different ministries, both Chambers of the Parliament and business-sector.
• PCA / Transport Code, addressed to experts;
• The same addressed to the members of the Parliament;
• Conference on PCA / WTO related issues;
• Log frame workshop on the same issues;
• Workshop on WTO negotiation issues, addressed to national negotiators;
• Round table discussion on Intellectual Property Rights, addressed to the members of the Parliamentary Committee and other relevant governmental bodies;
Conference / workshop on PCA / Competition related issues, addressed to the members of the Parliamentary Committee and to other representatives of relevant governmental bodies from the capital and the regions.
Skill proficiency levels
Driving experience
Own car
Driver's license category B, CAbout me
Knowledge of political and economic conjuncture in the country and abroad, ability to extract and use the information. Experienced in team management, KPI (Key Performance Indicators), PCM (Project Cycle Management), monitoring and evaluating, organization and conduction of workshops and conferences, interaction with state agencies and NGO. Fully computer literate.
Personal competences: Punctuality, responsibility, honesty, critical thinking, ability to consistently and logically express thoughts and ideas, analytical and managerial skills.
Higher education
Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Astana)
National Scholl of Public Policy, Master of Politology
L. N. Gumilyuov Eurasian National University (Astana)
International Relations, Specialist in the area of International Relations
M. A. Gorky Gymnasium (Kostanay)
English class, With distinction
Professional development, courses
Seminar «Mind maps and techiques of efficient thinking»
Institute of mental techologies (Astana), Sertificate
Seminar «Perspectives of Kazakhstan's accession to the WTO»
EU Project "PCA. Phase II" (Astana), Sertificate
Special training «Project Cycle Management» (PCM)
EU Project "PCA. Phase II" (Astana), Sertificate
Tests, examinations
Joint National Testing
Ministry of Education, 103 points(out of 120)
Citizenship, travel time to work
Citizenship: Kazakhstan
Permission to work: USA
Desired travel time to work: Doesn't matter